Dry Ribs

- ingredients
Ingredients | Amount | Unit |
Dry Ribs | 176 | oz |
- Recipe Instructions:
- TOOLS: weigh scale, baking sheet, nitrile gloves, parchment paper, portion bags
- STORAGE: cambro with cambro lid
- HOLD TIME: 7 days in freezer
- YIELD: 17.50 portions
- QUALITY INDICATOR: firm, frozen pieces. No discoloration on the ribs.
- Procedure
Wash/sanitize hands. Thoroughly clean/sanitize food utensils, equipment & work surfaces.
- 1. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper and pour out the frozen ribs pieces onto a lined tray.
- 2. Portion ribs into 10 oz. bags, by weight (sizes vary, approx.10-12 pcs/bag)
- 3. Any left over pieces can be used with the next bag being portioned.
- 4. Put sealed portions into a cambro with lid. Date and label the cambro container, place back into the freezer at 14F-32F/-10C- 0C until use. (CCP1)
- This product is raw and frozen. Cooking time needs to be followed - 10 minutes.
- each case is packed with 3-4 packs of s&p seasoning - discard seasoning packs. DO NOT MIX IN with our s&p mix