From: Head Office
To: All Stores, All GMs
Date: June 16, 2023
RE: Uber Promo Results
Happy Friday Teams,
With our most recent Uber promotion now complete we wanted to communicate the results of our
joint venture.
In general, the promotion was a great success. Running from May 16th to May 29th we saw an overall
increase of 28% in sales over the last reporting period.
We saw during that time the number of orders increase by 23%. With 646 placed over the duration of
the promo.
In regards to order size we saw an increase of 4%. Translating to an average order size of 46.09$.
Menu views increased by 375% – for 16,584 guests viewing our menu. Out of those 16,584 guests 646
placed an order – which is an increase of 23%.
This partnership with Uber was also supporting by our head office with digital ads posted to help drive brand awareness and
offsite sales. Our ad ran in conjunction with the promotion on uber and impressions (the number of times our content was
displayed – no matter if it was clicked or not) was 32,510. The reach of our ad (the number of unique users who see our post /
page regardless of if they engage with it) was 21,532. And official link clicks (users who clicked our ad and went to a locations uber
page to start an order) was 150. Overall we are very pleased with the results of this promotion and the success it has brought to locations.